Vladimír Hulík
Mgr. Vladimír Hulík earned his bachelor‘s degree in Economic policy the field of at University of Economics, Prague and master‘s degree in the field of Public and Social Policy at Charles University, Prague. From 2000 to 2011, he worked as an analytic in the Institute for Information in Education, after it ceased to exist, he moved to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, where he works as the head of Statistical Results and Analysis Unit. He orientates his professional activities towards analyses and prognoses of educational system development and the issue of indicators in education, mainly in the international context. He is a member of several expert groups of European Union, Eurostat and OECD, which focus on the statistics and development if the indicators in education. He is a co-author of a book Studijní neúspěšnost na vysokých školách – teoretická východiska, empiricné poznatky a doporučení (Student drop-out at universities - theoretical background, empirical findings and recommendations).